How to Stop Negative Thought Spirals with Science and The Law of Attraction

Woman drawing. Mindfulness. How to stop negative thought spirals.

Anxiety is usually accompanied by thoughts that, left unchecked, can ruin your day, month, or year. Learn how to stop negative thought spirals using science and the Law of Attraction today.


Yes, together 😉 

Why do bad things happen to good people? Why?

That question haunted me when I was little and drove me away from Catholicism.

(Calm down, Sally, this isn’t about finding Jesus – stick with me)

You see, religion didn’t have satisfactory answers for me. 

And also, mostly, pretty terrible outfits.


You’ve probably asked this question too, but now it looks like

Ah yes, I see young Padawans. I hear you. I feel you. Heck, sometimes I am you. 

You’ve probably also found answers.

Trying to stop a negative thought spiral from that place can be… challenging.

If you’re ready for the real answer, read on, sparkly GOAT. 


You’re right. It could be any of those things (that’s what awesome 1-1 holistic coaching is for, shameless plug).


However, you can stop negative thought spirals when you understand basic math and the laws – so you can stop making it about you and start making it about them.


Ooh you’re hooked now, aren’t you? 


Raise your hand if you ever thought, “I must have done something really wrong for this to be happening to me” 🙋🏿🙋🏻🙋🏽‍♂️ 


I did too, but that math isn’t mathing. Karma totally clicked with my people-pleasing, fawning, self-blaming, codependent childhood trauma – aka Le Lore – but it just didn’t add up.


After all, you did do all this work. It should get better!

Why The Answer is The Law of AttractionTM

And Why We Should Sue Rhonda Byrnes Immediately*

No offense to Taylor Swift, but Karma kind of sucks. When ish hits the fan, and you’re into manifestation or personal development, the first question you ask is: what did I do to deserve this?


That isn’t healthy and is probably why people quit self-help for Netflix or TikTok binges, even though New Wave has arguably *much* better outfits.  


The answer is never to blame yourself. 


In my case, at 23, after a couple of years of Metaphysical studies (nicer than nuns, yet *not trauma-informed *), I left thinking:

Since I haven’t ~*killed and/or kidnapped*~ anyone (in this life, at least), AND have been studying this for over a year, why am I still getting all kidnapped and robbed? Three times is a lot, dude —a Lot.

So, Gaby left the group chat. 

With the wrong (read: most common, human, matrix-ey, unbalanced) mindset, Karma can feel all punish-ey.


Taylor got it right, it is a cat purring in your lap, BUT the Law of Attraction, understood as a law as simple as gravity – feels much better than that.


OOOohh… But Rhonda didn’t tell you that, did she? She called it “The Secret” and confused you with bad graphics and a seriously questionable intro.

Understanding the Law of Attraction as Science Helps You Stop Negative Spirals

Would you be mad at yourself for tripping on a stone and falling? Maybe. Would you be mad at *gravity*? Probably not. Karma makes it about you; LOA just is.


The Law of Attraction is to your non-physical being what gravity is to your physical being. A neutral governing law that sticks things together and prevents cosmic chaos.

If you were an adorable 6 y/o, I’d say:


“There are always two sides to you. And they will always exist while you live in this body. A physical side and a non-physical side. Governed by specific laws called gravity and attraction, among others.”


To break that down, I’d say:


The physical side of you, you probably know very well.

It’s the body, the arms, the legs, the lips, the head. Some you like, some you don’t. You can see it, hear it, taste it, smell it, feel it. 


The non-physical side of you is the part you can’t see but know instead.

Your thoughts, personality, the things that make you laugh, and cry. Your addiction to chocolate and ability to quote Mean Girls on October third. *that part*  

Ok, Gaby: but how does this stop negative thoughts spirals? Like this:


Gravity and Attraction are energetic laws with a magnetic component. Gravity magnetizes you to earth, so to speak, while Attraction magnetizes similar things to help you create and find your way through your time on earth.

You don’t need to understand how gravity works for it to do its job. And you don’t need to understand Law of Attraction (LOA) either.

Essentially, if you choose to be in New York? The Law of Gravity keeps you physically there. Law of Attraction keeps you in the New York State of Mind.

Both laws are neutral and lack the capacity to CARE what you choose to do. 

If you choose to jump off a building without support, you may crush your bones or die. If you think predominantly anxious, sad, or angry thoughts – The Law Of Attraction will magnetize more thoughts like that. 


It’s not you; it’s them.


So if you want to feel better and stop overthinking or anxiety attacks, you need to shift your focus. BUT, there’s a big JLo but here: you can only magnetize or attract a similar thought so you got to move gradually. 


Use the Emotional Scale to Stop Negative Thoughts with Ease

and Feel Good, No Matter What!

To keep it short: the science of Law of Attraction is in your brain and it is called the Reticular Activating System.  One of its jobs is to bring things into your attention that would otherwise be distorted, deleted, or generalized for your protection.

When you notice something you “double tap it” and th RAS tags things that are similar and shows you more of that within that specific range.

You know when you’re looking for something in the fridge but you can’t find it because somebody put it in a different box? That’s the delete, generalize, and distort function of the brain with RAS working together. 


You literally can’t see or find something right in front of you because the “tags” for it include “blue box” instead of “red-lid Tupperware.” So, the LOA shows you more blue even when you’re looking for red. 


Your thoughts and emotions produce energy measured in Hz, they were compiled by scientists and spiritual leaders into an emotional guiding scale. Use it to spiral out of a poor-feeling range. 


Save This!

STEP 1: Look at the scale and determine where you’re at. Just ask yourself “Is it sadness or powerlessness? Is it powerlessness or worry?” You’ll know in your body what’s right.


STEP 2: Make statements using either the word or sentiment in every step above your emotion in the scale. See this Video for a direct example.


STEP 3: Notice how much better you feel just saying the things and monitor where you’re at. You can do this in a few minutes, or if the issue is really big in a few days. Picking one set of emotions at a time. 


Rinse and repeat, as much as needed.


That’s it! It’s really that simple. It’s not you, it’s them – the laws. And now you understand what they are and how to use them.  Share this post with a friend to help them stop negative thoughts or binging Tiger King – save a soul. 


When you feel you need help with this, book a single session


You can do it. Joy is the way. 

Much love, 

Coach Gaby